Are your Bad Mental Habits getting in the Way? The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong
The importance of Strong Healthy Mental Habits to create better Emotional well-being has certainly been a predominant theme for us here at the Holistic Psychology Centre.
Everyone has the ability to build mental strength, but most people don't know how. We spend a lot of time talking about physical strength and physical health, but much less time on mental strength and mental health. We can choose to perform exercises that will help us learn to regulate our thoughts, manage our emotions, and behave productively despite our circumstances - the 3 basic factors of mental strength. No matter what your goals are, building mental strength is the key to reaching your greatest potential.
Amy Morin is a licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist. Since 2002, she has been counseling children, teens, and adults and now also works as an adjunct psychology instructor. Amy’s expertise in mental strength has attracted international attention and she loves to share the latest research on resilience and the best strategies for overcoming adversity and building mental muscle.
In this Presentation you will learn- it is not enough to think good thoughts; you also have to practice not thinking bad thoughts! In this Video Amy Talks about 3 kinds of Bad Mental Habits that we must change in order to attain true mental strength:
The first is having unhealthy beliefs about Ourselves- feeling sorry for ourselves, engaging in self-pity.
The second is having unhealthy beliefs about Others- casting judgements, giving away our power to others.
The third is having unhealthy beliefs about the World- tendency to expect ‘fairness’ from the world, thinking the world owes us something.
It seems in order to overcome these bad mental habits, we need to replace them with new thought patterns, new positive mental habits. When we are able to shift these bad mental habits (that keep us stuck and make us feel down) into more positive mental habits through awareness and practice, the world becomes a much friendlier place and we can begin to see ourselves and others through a lens of love and compassion. We all deserve that :)
The big takeaways from this Talk: Our Holistic emotional well-being and developing healthy strong mental habits is crucial during most of our life stages and managing life stressors. Managing Bad Unhealthy Mental Habits can be a life changing tool that anyone can learn with the help of a Holistic Psychologist.
We hope you enjoyed this inspirational presentation.
We can help. For more info on "creating healthy strong mental habits" & our other services feel free to browse through our website or contact us at the Holistic Psychology Centre on 9964 0099.