Are your Bad Mental Habits getting in the Way? The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong
The importance of Strong Healthy Mental Habits to create better Emotional well-being has certainly been a predominant theme for us here...

"Tapping" What is it & how can it help us?
The importance of Holistic health- Emotional well-being and the use of the tool Emotional Freedom Technique "tapping" has certainly been...

How to Face and Cope with COVID-19
COVID-19 has certainly been a predominant theme for us here at the Holistic Psychology Centre. If you haven't heard of COVID-19 then I...

What Makes a Good Life? Lessons from the Longest Happiness Study
The importance of Bio-Psycho-Social-Relational Wellness has certainly been a predominant theme for us here at the Holistic Psychology...

What we can learn from Narcissists
The importance of taking care of our relationships & Ego-self-development has certainly been a predominant theme for us here at the...

The Power of Brain-Mind-Body Healing
The importance of taking care of our brain-body health has certainly been a predominant theme for us here at the Holistic Psychology...

"Wired for Love" - Why can our intimate relationships feel so hard?
The importance of our attachments and relationship well-being has certainly been a predominant theme for us here at the Holistic...

"How to Hardwire your Happiness" The hidden power of daily experiences on your b
"Taking in the good" through self-compassion and connecting to out inner strengths and resources has certainly been a major theme for us...

"Change your Brain..Change your Life" How is your Brain Health?
Brain-Body-Mind Health has certainly been a predominant theme here for us at the Holistic Psychology Centre. In this talk we learn how...

"Mindfulness & Neural Integration" What are the 3 essential R's for emotional
Mindfulness-Relationships-Reflection-Resilience have certainly been predominant themes for us here at the Holistic Psychology Centre....